Bachelor's Degree Programs for a Physician's Assistant

There are many Physician Assistant programs in the United States and a few outside of the U.S. There are four types of programs offered, Master's degree, Bachelor's degree, Associate's degree and Certificate, though the majority of programs are at the Master's level. There are few programs that offer a Bachelor's degree only, most of those programs are located in New York State.
  1. Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science

    • Located in Los Angeles, California, this school offers both a Bachelor's degree and a certificate program. Preference in admissions will be given to those willing to work in underserved areas.

      Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science
      Physician Assistant Program
      The College of Allied Health - Keck Building
      1731 East 120th Street
      Los Angeles, CA 90059
      (323) 563 -5950

    Stanford University School of Medicine

    • Located on the Stanford University campus, they offer all four types of degrees. The PA program is part of the Stanford University School of Medicine Center for Education in Family and Community Medicine. The program consists of 5 quarters in which the first is all classroom and in the remaining four, clinical experience is emphasized.

      Stanford University School of Medicine
      Primary Care Associate Program
      1215 Welch Road, Modular G
      Palo Alto, CA 94305-5408
      (650) 725-6959

    Howard University

    • The only D.C. program to offer a Physician Assistant Bachelor's degree, they also have a certificate program. One of their goals is to provide education to promising black and ethnically diverse students.

      Howard University
      Physician Assistant Program
      College of Pharmacy, Nursing, and Allied Health Sciences
      6th and Bryant Streets, NW, Annex Il, #119
      Washington, DC 20059

    University of Maryland Eastern Shore

    • This state university offers only the bachelor's degree option for Physician's Assistants. It is a 24 month program that students start at the beginning of their junior year. One year is spent on regular schooling and then there is a one year clinical phase.

      University of Maryland Eastern Shore
      Physician Assistant Department
      Hazel Hall, Room 1034
      Princess Anne, MD 21853
      (410) 651-7584

    University of Washington

    • This program at the University of Washington offers a Bachelor's or Master's degree
      option. The Bachelor's program is offered in two locations: Yakima, WA. and Anchorage, AK. The PA program at the University of Washington is known as MEDEX Northwest.

      University of Washington
      MEDEX Northwest Physician Assistant Program
      4311 11th Ave. N.E., Suite 200
      Seattle, WA 98105-4608
      (206) 616-4001

    York College

    • Located in Queens, York college is part of the City University of New York. Applicants must have completed at least 100 hours of health care service to apply to the PA program.

      York College, CUNY
      Physician Assistant Program
      94-20 Guy R. Brewer Boulevard, Room 112 SC
      Jamaica NY 11451, NY 11451

    Hofstra University

    • Located in suburban Long Island, students that complete this undergraduate program will receive both a certificate and a Bachelor's degree. The first two years of the undergraduate program are the pre-professional phase. During their second year they apply to the 28 month professional program.

      Hofstra University
      Physician Assistant Studies Program
      113 Monroe Lecture Center
      127 Hofstra University
      Hempstead, NY 11549-1270
      (516) 463-4074

    Rochester Institute of Technology

    • Although they currently have a Bachelor of Science degree program, RIT is transitioning to a graduate (BS/MS) program, which is currently pending New York State approval. The program places great importance in socializing the student to the character, performance, and role of a provider of medical care.

      Rochester Institute of Technology
      Physician Assistant Program
      Building 75-CBET, 153 Lomb Memorial Drive
      Rochester, NY 14623-5608
      (585) 475-5151

    Long Island University

    • Actually located in Brooklyn, this intense 4-year bachelor's program was the first to be approved by the New York State Department of Education. Dedication, demeanor, courtesy and professional appearance play a large part in a student's success in the program.

      Long Island University
      Division of Physician Assistant Studies
      1 University Plaza
      Brooklyn, NY 11201
      (718) 488-1505

    St. John's University

    • Located in the NYC borough of Queens, students spend the first two years at the St. John's campus, then one year at the St John's College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Professions and a final year at affiliated hospitals and clinics. Students are reviewed annually and a successful review is necessary to begin the clinical part of the program.

      St. John's University
      Physician Assistant Program
      Andrew Bartilucci Center
      175-05 Horace Harding Expressway
      Fresh Meadows, NY 11365

    State University of New York Downstate Medical Center

    • Beginning after the completion of the sophomore year, the program, which begins in late May or early June, offers a 27-month, upper-division professional course of study leading to the B.S. degree. The clinical phase of the program consists of 10 clerkships at a broad range of clinical affiliates.

      State University of New York Downstate Medical Center
      Physician Assistant Program
      450 Clarkson Avenue Box 1222
      Brooklyn, NY 11203
      (718) 270-2324/5

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