Programs in Occupational Therapy

Becoming an occupational therapist or therapist assistant, professionals who help rehabilitate people with developmental, emotional, mental or physical disabilities, requires getting a degree from a program accredited by the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE). This is the accrediting body of the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA). Occupational therapists can obtain a master's and/or doctoral degree, while occupational therapist assistants need at least an associate degree. As of June 2010, there are more than 250 such programs, according to the AOTA.
  1. Sacramento City College

    • A community college located in the capital city of California, Sacramento City College offers an associate degree program in occupational therapy. It is designed to be taken over a period of two years. Students need to take at least 40 credits to complete the program. Courses include Biomechanics, Developmental Disabilities and Pediatric Conditions, Physical Dysfunction and Psychosocial Dysfunction.

      Sacramento City College
      3835 Freeport Boulevard
      Sacramento, CA 95822

    University of Florida

    • At its Department of Occupational Therapy, the University of Florida offers a master's degree for occupational therapists. The program is designed to be completed within five semesters, with 58 credits. Undergraduates studying at UF for a Bachelor of Health Science degree are strongly encouraged to apply, and candidates from other colleges and universities have to complete a number of prerequisites before beginning graduate OT coursework at UF. Courses include Therapeutic Activities, Occupational Therapy Interventions, Principles of OT Screening and Evaluation and Service Delivery and OT Management.

      University of Florida
      Department of Occupational Therapy
      101 Newell Street
      P.O. Box 100164, HSC
      Gainesville, FL 32610

    Creighton University

    • As of June 2010, there are only four colleges and universities in the United States that have ACOTE-accredited doctoral degree programs. Creighton University, located in Omaha, Nebraska, was the first when it started offering a doctorate in occupational therapy in 1999. With a 134-credit requirement that can be completed in four years, courses offered in Creighton's doctorate OT program include Occupational Therapy Practice in Mental Health, Physical Agent Modalities, Neurorehabilitation, Musculoskeletal Dimensions of Occupation and Neuroanatomy. A more advanced, 63-credit post-professional doctorate is also available.

      Creighton University
      Department of Occupational Therapy
      School of Pharmacy and Health Professions
      2500 California Plaza
      Omaha, NE 68178

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