Occupational Therapy Postgraduate Programs

The field of occupational therapy is growing. In fact, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that the number of jobs for occupational therapists will increase by 26 percent by 2018. A postgraduate degree or higher is required in this field.
  1. Virginia Commonwealth University

    • Virginia Commonwealth University offers three different postgraduate education programs in occupational therapy. VCU offers a Master of Science in Occupational Therapy (M.S.O.T.) with a postgraduate certificate in aging studies. It also has a postprofessional Master of Science (M.S.) with the aging studies certificate as well. The post-professional program is for practicing occupational therapists (some states require only the bachelor's degree) while the M.S.O.T. program is for those wanting to enter the occupational therapy field. Additionally, VCU offers a Doctor of Occupational Therapy (O.T.D.) degree, which is also a post-professional program offered beyond the M.S.O.T.

      Virginia Commonwealth University

      Department of Occupational Therapy

      School of Allied Health Professions

      730 E. Broad St.

      P.O. Box 980008

      Richmond, VA 23298



    Temple University

    • Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, offers various graduate programs in occupational therapy. The Master of Occupational Therapy (M.O.T.) is for students entering the field with related degrees. This program is a 67-credit hour program that last approximately two years. The school also offers an advanced M.S. degree through distance education. This 36-credit hour program is designed for occupational therapists who want to engage in advanced clinical practice.

      Temple also offers a Doctor of Occupational Therapy (D.O.T.), which is a 30-hour post-professional distance education program. Post-professional enhancement programs are also offered in the fields of gerontological occupational therapy, early intervention and school-based occupational therapy, assistive technology and sensory integration.

      Temple University

      3307 N. Broad St.

      Philadelphia, PA 19140



    University of Southern California

    • The University of Southern California offers both a one- and two-year Master of Arts in Occupational Therapy. Both program offer students opportunities to specialize in various areas, such as child and youth therapy, health and wellness, work and industry, mental health, productive aging and rehabilitation and disability therapy. In addition, students can design their own specialty area by combining fields. USC also offer both the O.T.D. and the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.).

      University of Southern California

      Department of Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy

      1540 Alcazar St, CHP 133

      Los Angeles, CA 90089



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