Occupational Therapy Bachelor and Master Programs

Most occupational therapy programs are graduate level, as a master's degree is a minimum requirement for licensure as an occupational therapist. However, there are numerous options if you wish to pursue occupational therapy as an undergraduate major. There are a few combined bachelor's/master's degree programs in occupational therapy in the United States. Additionally, the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) website mentions that students who have majored in biology, kinesiology, psychology, sociology, anthropology, liberal arts and anatomy are well prepared to enter an occupational therapy master's program.
  1. Ithaca College

    • Ithaca College offers a five-year bachelor's and master's degree program in occupational therapy. Incoming freshman and transfer students may apply to this program. After four years, students earn a Bachelor of Science in Occupational Science, and immediately following that, the year of the graduate program begins. The master's program requires six months of general fieldwork, with an additional two months of specialized fieldwork after the regular school year has ended.

      Ithaca College

      953 Danby Road

      Ithaca, NY 14850



    University of Southern California

    • This program has highly flexible options for both undergraduate and graduate degrees. The bachelor's degree requires two full years of general education before entering into the occupational therapy (OT) courses. The OT courses can be completed in either one or two years, depending on whether the student wishes to attend school during the summer semesters. A student can complete the master's degree program in nine to 12 months, depending on the student's fieldwork requirements. University of Southern California also has a stand-alone master's program in OT.

      USC Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

      1540 Alcazar St., CHP 133

      Los Angeles, CA 90089-9003



    Towson University

    • Towson University has fully combined the bachelor's and master's degree requirements, awarding both degrees upon successful completion of the program. The academic requirements for this program take approximately five years to complete, and there is further requirement of six months of fieldwork. Students can start this program as incoming freshmen or after completing their freshman year requirements at the school. A minimum of 30 hours of human service volunteer work is a requirement for all applicants.

      Towson University

      8000 York Road

      Towson, Maryland 21252-0001



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