Master Degree Programs in Communication

Post-graduate degree programs in communication provide rigorous study across a wide range of academic disciplines. Graduate program focuses can range from advertising and public relations to broadcasting, media studies, interpersonal communication, communication theory, corporate communication, technical communication and journalism. Communication graduate students often undertake high-level research initiatives that can lead to new frontiers across myriad fields including, but not limited to, medicine, science, finance and mass media. A wide variety of higher learning institutions in the United States offer post-graduate degree paths in communications.
  1. Gonzaga University

    • Located in Spokane, Washington, the Gonzaga School of Professional Studies master of arts in communication and leadership studies program provides students with a diverse graduate-level expertise across all aspects of the field. Grounded in the tradition of rhetoric and classic communication theory, the program spans corporate communications, public relations, human resources, marketing and media literacy. Gonzaga's Spokane campus is home to the institution's Center for Media Literacy Excellence.

      Gonzaga University
      School of Professional Studies
      502 East Boone Avenue
      Spokane, WA 99258

    Baylor University

    • Baylor's master of arts graduate program in communication studies provides students with relational, organizational, rhetorical, and media theory and contemporary communications research in order to pursue a professional career in communication. The program's initial qualitative coursework foundation focuses on the various forms of spoken messages, including analysis of rhetorical criticism, argumentation, film theory and human communication aesthetics. The program's second year concentrates on strategies in organizational and small group communication.

      Baylor University
      1311 South 5th Street
      Waco, TX 76701

    St. Louis University

    • Saint Louis University's Department of Communication offers three master of arts in communication degree paths spanning three broad study areas, including culture and public dialogue, media studies and organizational communication. These programs are suggested degree frameworks for prospective students, who work closely with program advisors to fashion a personal program of study geared toward their career ambitions and interests. The core curriculum includes examination of contemporary theories in communication and analysis of contemporary communication research methods.

      Saint Louis University
      3700 Lindell Blvd
      St Louis, MO 63108

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