How to Convert an APA to MLA

Two frequently used citation styles for research papers and scholarly articles are MLA and APA formats. MLA stands for Modern Language Association and is used most often in the discipline of humanities. APA stands for American Psychological Association and is used for natural and social sciences. If you have written a paper in APA format, there are a few simple changes that can be made to convert it to MLA style.

Things You'll Need

  • A research paper or scholarly article written in APA format.
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    • 1

      Correct the headers on your paper. APA style has a running header on every page. This is the article title or a shortened version of the title followed by the page number. MLA style has the author's last name followed by the page number on every page.

    • 2

      Remove the abstract and title page unless specifically requested by your instructor. These are both required under APA format, but not part of the style for MLA. On the first page with content, you will include the title of your paper, your name, your instructor's name and the date in the upper left hand corner.

    • 3

      Change the references page. APA has a references page, MLA calls it a works cited page. Update the heading on this page. Change the order of the information for each reference. For MLA style, book entries should be listed as "Last name, First name. Title (in italics). Place of publication: Publisher. Year of Publication. Medium of Publication." Journal entries in MLA style should be listed as "Last name, First name. "Title of Article." Title of Journal (in italics) Volume. Issue (Year): pages. Medium of publication." Notice that the title of the article is in quotation marks for journal entries, which is similar to APA style. The title for book references is not in quotation marks. Titles for MLA format capitalize every word of the title, whereas APA only capitalizes the first word.

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      Update reference entries with multiple authors. MLA lists two author entries as "Last name, First name and First name Last name" APA lists multiple authors as "Last name, First initial & Last name, First initial." When works have more than 4 authors, MLA will list the first four followed by "et al." APA uses "et al." for anything over 6 authors.

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      Add page numbers to the in-text citations and remove the year of publication. MLA uses last name and page number for parenthetical citations. If the reference is John Anderson and the page number is 243, then the citation will look like this (Anderson 243). Notice there is no comma in between the name and page number.

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