How to Write an Essay in MLA Style

The style used in an essay abides by a certain set of rules for formatting, punctuation and citation. The Modern Language Association (MLA) is an organization devoted to the impact of language in the world, and is widely used in the humanities. Therefore, learning to write in MLA style benefits students of literature or foreign languages.


    • 1

      List all class information in the upper left-hand corner of the first page (not in the header). This list includes your full name, instructor's title and name, course name, course number, course reference number (in parentheses), assignment number and descriptor and the due date.

    • 2

      Double space after the class information and type the title centered on the page. Capitalize the first letter of each principle word except for articles and prepositions.

    • 3

      Format a half-inch margin from the top of the page in the upper-right corner and type your last name. Align right your name, using the header and footer tools and the insert page number tools, to insert the page number three spaces right of your name.

    • 4

      Indent paragraphs half an inch using the tab button. Double space all lines in the essay by right-clicking the text, choosing "paragraph" and selecting "double" under "spacing."

    • 5

      Cite in-text by attributing the author's last name and pages referenced in parentheses at the end of a sentence. For example, (Bergmann 125).

    • 6

      Format a new page for references and center the text "Works Cited" on the first line. Cite books by author's last name, first name and initial, title of book, publication location, publisher, year and format. For example: Townsend, Robert M. The Medieval Village Economy. Princeton University Press. 1993. Print. The title of the book should be italicized.

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