How to Write a Paper on Religion

There are 40 major religions and many other minor religions, some specific to a region, others nationwide or worldwide. An academic or professional paper on religion, written for your religious studies class or as a term paper, must avoid bias toward any religion and rely on supportable facts rather than opinion. For academic papers, avoid personal beliefs and opinions, and provide factual information. For professional papers, tailor the paper to the beliefs of the organization you are writing for.


  1. Preparing the Research

    • 1

      Determine which aspect of religion to write about and what approach you will take. Topics could include the history and development of major world religions, the philosophy of religion and religious literature development. Specific topics include a comparative overview of the roles of women in several major religions or the impact on religion by major world events such as the Sept. 11 attacks. The approach could also be historical or argumentative, such as creationism vs. evolutionism.

      When choosing a topic, avoid including personal beliefs or taking the view of a specific religion. Do not use the paper to advance personal religious goals or engage in soul-searching. The paper must remain objective, and the writing must be from an academic standpoint.

    • 2

      Gather information, keeping track of website addresses, book names, page numbers and other information about your sources. Cite the sources, following the guidelines you have been given.

    • 3

      Refer to the citation guide to determine whether the religious text requires additional information or special formatting. For example, references such as the Bible, the Quran or the Torah require special citation formatting including the individual books and verses the information was obtained from.

    • 4

      Organize the facts and determine how they pertain to the subject and how best to incorporate them into the paper.

    Writing the Paper

    • 5

      Format the paper, following the guidelines you have been given. Begin with a title page containing your name, the name of the course, the name of the institution you are representing and the date of the paper. Allow space for the introduction, the body and the conclusion, and format the reference and appendices page at the end of the paper. If needed, add headings and subheadings in the body of the paper.

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      State a brief overview of the main points of the paper in the introduction and the aim of your paper in the introduction. If specific research was done, the introduction includes a brief outline of the research methods.

    • 7

      Begin writing a rough draft of the paper. Organize the facts so that the paper flows freely and does not confuse the reader. Historical papers should be written chronologically, for example. The life of a religion's founder should note examples of what led the founder to develop the religion, then follow with how others were drawn to the religion and key factors that helped the religion grow and solidified the beliefs of its members.

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      Include a main point for each section along with the appropriate information. Reread each section and make sure the information is relevant to the topic being covered.

    • 9

      Check the paper for spelling and grammar. Ensure that your citations are properly formatted and that appendices are referenced properly. Reread the paper to ensure that it flows smoothly and is easily understandable.

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