How to Write a Talking Paper

If you have been asked to write a talking paper, remember to keep it simple in order to maximize the reader's time and attention, as talking papers are often provided to important and busy people. Talking papers are often used in the military and in business settings to provide information to top executives and military leaders. The main point of a talking paper is to provide ideas in a clear and easy-to-read manner, without any extraneous information or explanations. Talking papers have different formats depending on where they are utilized, but there are some steps you can follow regardless of the specific format you have been asked to use.


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      Write the main point of the paper at the top. Make sure to type your talking paper, as this makes it easy to read and more professional.

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      Use bullet points for the main issues. Under each bullet point, use smaller bullet points that are indented slightly on the page for issues related to the main bullet point. This format helps keep the main subjects and information clear, just as an outline would.

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      Double-space your talking paper in order to facilitate reading for your audience. When readers glance at the paper, they should not have to concentrate too hard to be able to find the main points, and double-spacing makes them easier to find than single-spacing would.

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      Include only pertinent information. Details should be included elsewhere, as a talking paper consists of main points only.

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