How to Cite an Internet Article in APA Format

APA style refers to the rules set forth by the American Psychological Association to document your sources when doing research papers. It requires a brief citation in the text as well as a full citation in the reference section. Although rules vary according to the type of resource you gathered information from, the rules for citing an Internet article are straightforward and easy to follow.


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      Use a bibliography or citation maker to cite your sources and print them out for your report. There are many free programs available online (see Resources.)

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      Select "APA Style" and choose "Internet Article" as your source.

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      Fill the required fields with the information found on the article. Enter a static URL for the source. If the article is a news article or on a site that changes daily, the URL to the article may not be a static URL. In this case, enter the URL of the site that is closest to the article as possible. You may be able to provide a URL for the particular category the article resides in.

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      Complete a citation without a bibliography maker by entering information in the following format: Author's name (last name, first initial, period, middle initial, period); year, comma, month, day, period; title of document, including the chapter and section (chap./sect.); article title (capitalize the first word of the title and any proper names only), period; date retrieved (month, day, year), comma, from (static URL address).
      Fictitious sample: Brown, G. P. (2006, June 18). In Deer tracking a forgotten art. (chap. 12). Retrieved May 30, 2007, from http://mainewilderness(dot)com.

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      Cite resources in text by enclosing the authors name, comma, year and page in parentheses. A full citation of the work should be included in the reference section.

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