How to Cite an Interview in APA Format

The American Psychological Association regularly publishes rules, known as APA style, designed to help students, professors and others organize research papers. While APA style covers everything from paper structure to punctuation, writers, particularly in the social and behavioral sciences, regard it as a primary authority guiding proper citation of sources in research essays. Along with common sources, such as books and periodicals, the APA format governs citation of interviews and other personal communication.


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      Do not include entries for interviews you personally conducted in your APA style reference list. Personal interviews are not "recoverable data," meaning readers cannot access your interview in print or online. All APA requires is an in-text citation.

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      Include the name of the person you interviewed and the date of the interview as close as possible to the information you are documenting. Refer to the following two examples. Remember to double-space all text in APA style.

      I learned that 40 percent passed the test (B. Jones, personal communication, May 1, 2010).

      Bart Jones noted that the test was challenging (personal communication, May 1, 2010).

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      Post the text of your interview on your blog or other online publishing venue, as an alternative. As Timothy McAdoo suggests at the APA Style blog, you can then cite your blog or other website both in-text and in your reference list.

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