How to calculate your GPA in college

Need to know your GPA. I'll give you a simple formula on how you can figure it on your own with or without a calculator. Your GPA is crucial if you're looking for a job in the future, or if you're looking to get into a particular college.

Things You'll Need

  • Calculator
  • Your Grades
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    • 1

      The first thing that you'll want to do is get ahold of your grades. If you know them off the top of your head, that's okay too.

    • 2

      The next thing you need to know is how the grade point system works. For every A you have, you'll assign 4 points. A B is 3 points. A C is 2 points, and a D is 1 point. For every F, you'll get 0 points.

    • 3

      Now, let's say I had a B, A, C, and B. My numbers will look like this, 3, 4, 2, 3.

    • 4

      Let's take that step above, and figure out the GPA. You'll want to total up your numbers, and divide by the number of classes you took. Up above, we will have a total of 12, and 4 classes, giving us a 3. Our GPA is a 3.

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