Acting Colleges in Massachusetts

Those with a passion for acting and theatrical performance can choose from numerous Massachusetts colleges and universities with intensive degree programs in acting and theater. Depending on where you go, you might get the opportunity to perform in public or work with famous guest artists and actors. The city of Boston in Massachusetts is home to numerous theaters and improv troupes ideal for additional research and work.
  1. Boston University

    • Boston University's acting program offers a B.F.A. in acting with preparation for a career in the theatrical world and the related fields of film and television. Program curriculum emphasizes physical and vocal skills, technique, professional behavior and imagination development. Courses are in acting, dramatic literature, movement, voice and speech, all of which follow a "carefully integrated sequence of class exercises and related public performance," according to All freshmen performance students must complete the freshman core performance curriculum which provides a basis for all future acting and theater arts study. This includes improvisation, exercise, scene study and ensemble work.

      Boston University

      School of Theatre

      855 Commonwealth Ave., Rm 470

      Boston, MA 02215

    Emerson College

    • Emerson College offers a B.F.A. in acting and requires prospective students to audition and submit their acting resumes to the college's Department of Fine Arts in order to be considered. Program class requirements include languages of the stage, acting I through IV which includes movement, ensemble acting and performance and voice and text, improvisation I and II, advanced drama and stagecraft classes including electrics, properties construction, costume construction, masks and scene painting. Students also participate in productions at the school's Cutler Majestic Theater. Additional related undergraduate programs include musical theater and theater education.

      Emerson College

      120 Boylston Street

      Boston, MA 02116-4624


    Brandeis University

    • Brandeis University has its own theater company with three theaters and offers both a B.F.A. and M.F.A. in theater arts. The theater company is an ensemble-based group of actors, directors and designers culled from students, faculty and professional guest artists. Students have the opportunity to sharpen their craft through theater productions, including musical theater, dance and movement pieces. With the approval of the department chair, undergraduate students have the opportunity to create their own curriculum from a range of theater and theater-related courses. Their M.F.A. acting program generally admits 10 students for a three-year period with auditions held in major cities including Boston, New York and Chicago.

      Brandeis University

      Department of Theater Arts

      Spingold Center

      415 South Street

      Waltham, MA 02453


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