How to Cite a Conference in APA

The presentations and posters given at professional and academic conferences often contain the latest and most cutting-edge research available in the discipline. Including this research in your own paper can make your work as up-to-date as possible, but you may end up citing research so new that even the conference proceedings haven't been formally published. When you run into this situation, follow the style given by the American Psychological Association for citing unpublished conference contributions.


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      Begin the citation with the presenter's last name, followed by his or her first initial and middle initial, if applicable. If there is more than one presenter, list the names in the order they are given on the paper or poster. Use an ampersand between the last two name. For example: "Jones, A. J., Smith, W., & Green, F. T."

      For eight or more presenters, list the first six names, then use three ellipses, then give the last name. Use a comma between the sixth name and the ellipses, but not between the ellipses and the final name.

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      Give the year of the conference, followed by the month, in parentheses.

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      List the title of the paper or poster in italics. Capitalize only the first word of the title, any word following a colon and any proper nouns. End the title with a period.

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      State the type of work as "Paper" or "Poster" followed by "presented at" then the name and location of the conference. Use city and state for locations within the U.S., or city and country for other locations. For example, "Paper presented at the International Conference on Sustainable Design and Construction, Kansas City, Missouri."

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      Give the URL if you retrieved the paper or poster online. Use the format "Paper retrieved from URL," and do not use a period after the URL. Say "Abstract retrieved from..." if you have access to only the abstract.

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