CDL Permit Training Driving Schools

In order to receive a commercial driver's license (CDL), you will need to complete a CDL training course. Courses are available across the United States through CDL driving schools. These schools offer classes repeatedly throughout the year. Classes may begin weekly, bi-weekly or monthly to accommodate you. In order to take your CDL permit test, you must satisfactorily complete CDL training.
  1. CDL Training School

    • This school has two locations in Michigan and offers a 240-hour certificate course that includes CDL permit instruction, as well as courses that covering map reading, defensive driving and a road skills test. CDL Training School also offers job placement upon completion of the program. Applicants must be at least 18 years old and have a valid driver's license with at least five points. You will also need to be able to pass a Department of Transportation physical and drug test. Additional requirements include being able to speak fluent English. Applicants who have drug- or alcohol-related charges or felony crimes on their criminal history should contact the school for additional information on acceptance. The school offers financing options, loans, payment plans and participates in employer tuition reimbursement programs. For additional information, visit the Web site at

    Diesel Truck Driver Training School

    • This CDL training program has been in operation since 1963. If you are interested in job placement, housing assistance, tuition assistance, and hands-on driving instruction, Diesel Truck Driver Training School may be a good choice. Students receive plenty of driving time and instruction on over-the-road driving, backing, and safety. The school has many financing options and participates in the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) and the Veterans Administration works with the school to assist veterans who wish to attend. Other financial aid programs are available as well as grants and loans. The school is located near Madison, Wis., and is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. You can learn more about Diesel Truck Driver Training School by visiting

    Roadmaster Drviers School

    • Roadmaster Drivers School offers a short certification course and permit instruction for students. Students can obtain their certificate and credentials in as little as one month. The school has locations across the United States, from California to Florida. Qualified students may be eligible for scholarships from Roadmaster, and other financing options are available. Veterans may also use educational benefits available to them by the Veterans Administration. Roadmaster offers job placement upon completion of their program and also offers many qualified students positions before they complete the program. The placement program is excellent due to the large number of trucking companies that rely on Roadmaster to fill job openings with graduates of the program. More information about Roadmaster instruction can be found at

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