Andhra University Degree Colleges

Andhra University is one of India’s oldest higher education institutes. First established in 1926, the school serves the needs of students looking to earn several different kinds of degrees, diplomas or certifications. Today, Andhra offers more than 300 courses at five university colleges on four campuses.
  1. College of Arts & Commerce

    • The combined Colleges of Arts & Commerce are made up of 28 different departments, offering six different program types: short-term certification, undergraduate diplomas, bachelor’s programs, post-graduate diplomas, master’s degrees and doctoral degrees. Course options include languages (such as Hindi, Russian and Sanskrit), library science and social work.

      Colleges of Arts and Commerce
      Andhra University
      Visakhapatnam - 530 003
      Andhra Pradesh, India

    College of Science & Technology

    • Andhra’s College of Science & Technology offers 43 courses of study. In all 43 disciplines, students may earn a master of philosophy or doctoral degree. Thirty-nine two-year master of sciences courses are offered, as is one three-year master of science/technology degree and two one-year, post-graduate diplomas. Courses of study include human genetics, statistics and zoology.

      College of Science and Technology
      Andhra University
      Visakhapatnam - 530 003
      Andhra Pradesh, India

    College of Engineering

    • Eleven engineering departments, four basic science departments and three centers make up the College of Engineering at Andhra. Those planning on entering a specific engineering field, like geo-engineering, architecture or marine engineering, should attend engineering department courses. The basic sciences departments are in humanities and social sciences and three different branches of engineering: mathematics, physics and chemistry. The centers are targeted toward those studying bio-informatics, technology forecasting or bio-medical engineering.

      College of Engineering
      Andhra University
      Visakhapatnam - 530 003
      Andhra Pradesh, India

    College of Law

    • Andhra’s D.R. Ambedker College of Law offers four different courses of study. The L.L.B. (bachelor of law) degree and the part-time Ph.D., take three years to complete. The L.L.M. (master of law) and the full-time Ph.D., can be finished in two years. Research fields include constitutional law, intellectual property rights and jurisprudence.

      Dr. B.R. Ambedkar College of Law
      Andhra University
      Visakhapatnam - 530003
      Andhra Pradesh, India

    College of Pharmacy

    • Six specializations are offered at Andhra’s College of Pharmaceutical Sciences: pharmaceutical chemistry, phytochemistry, pharmaceutical technology, pharmacology and pharmacognosy, pharmaceutical and food analysis and pharmaceutical biotechnology. Each department awards bachelor of pharmacy, master of pharmacy and doctor of pharmacy degrees.

      College of Pharmaceutical Sciences
      Andhra University
      Visakhapatnam - 530 003
      Andhra Pradesh, India

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