Colleges Near Berea, Kentucky

Berea Kentucky has become synonymous with Berea College which has earned quite a reputation for excellence. Berea College is the only college in Berea-proper although Richmond, close to Berea has several colleges just about 10 minutes away. If you are accepted to Berea College, they will actually pay your tuition which makes it a great option, but there are also two other very viable options close by.
  1. Berea College, Berea, KY

    • Berea renown for its academic programs and for its service to Appalachia, has a liberal arts curriculum. Students have the opportunity to study in almost every field and discipline. Berea offers Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees in 28 fields. The student/faculty ratio is 10/1 so the classes are small. Berea graduates have received many notable awards such as the Fulbright and Truman fellowships. Recently Berea alumnus John Fenn received a Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Most interestingly Berea College is known for the 4-year, tuition scholarships that they offer to every student who is accepted. You will need to have better than average ACT and SAT scores and at least a 3.0 GPA to be accepted. The campus is dry and since most of the town is owned by the campus, the town is liquor-free as well.

      Berea College
      Office of Admissions
      CPO 2220
      Berea, KY 40404
      (859) 985-3000

    Eastern Kentucky University

    • Eastern Kentucky University is located in Richmond Kentucky. It was founded in 1906 and has grown to a full-fledged comprehensive university offering 168 degree programs and serving more than 15,000 students a year. The student-faculty ratio however remains at 17-1, so EKU is still able to offer its students personal attention. Classes are generally small, and they're usually taught by professors not graduate students. Getting involved on campus is easy as they have 175 student organizations, intramural sports, and musical groups. The Richmond campus is about 12 miles from Berea.

      Eastern Kentucky University
      202 Perkins Building
      521 Lancaster Avenue
      Richmond, KY 40475-3102
      (859) 622-2001

    National College of Business

    • National College is an administrative professional college for those who want to jump right into the working world. National College states as its purpose: "to educate men and women for professional roles in business and help place them in positions in advanced careers". The curriculum is focused on arming students with professional skills needed in the work place or for a specific field. The College is continually adapting to changing career fields. So, if you are looking for a more practical choice this is a very real possibility. It is also about a 15 minute drive to Berea. They also offer a Master of Business Administration Degree.

      National College of Business: Richmond
      125 South Killarney Lane
      Richmond, KY 4047
      (888) 956-2732

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