Dental Assisting Schools in Washington

Only registered or certified dental assistants can practice within the state of Washington. To become a credentialed dental assistant, students must first complete a formal training program. Training programs are available through community colleges, vocational schools and private training centers. Students will learn basic dental assisting procedures including chair-side techniques, dental radiography and proper equipment use. Programs accredited by the American Dental Association allow graduates to sit for the certification examination immediately following graduation. Students of other programs may or may not need to complete additional clinical hours before becoming certified or registered.
  1. Clover Park Technical College

    • Clover Park Technical College, located in Lakewood, offers students the opportunity to earn a certificate or an Associate of Applied Technology in dental assisting. Both programs have American Dental Association accreditation, which makes students eligible for the Dental Assistant National Board Certification Examination upon graduation. Each program includes courses in dental sciences, biomedical science and dental specialties. The programs also require students to take part in two clinical experiences. Students pursuing the associate degree will take all of the courses in the certificate program along with additional and more in-depth dentistry courses.

      Clover Park Technical College
      4500 Steilacoom Blvd. SW.
      Lakewood, WA 98499

    Northshore Dental Assisting Academy

    • For students in the Seattle area, Northshore Dental Assisting Academy in Kenmore offers an accelerated dental assistant training program. In just 22 weeks, students can earn a Certificate in Achievement in dental assisting. The school admits only 12 students each term, allowing for a low student-to-teacher ratio. The two-part classes take place once a week on either Friday or Saturday. The first half of the class will consist of lectures and discussions, while the second half provides hands-on training. Students will also receive clinical experience by working on other students, mannequins and volunteer patients. Northshore Dental Assisting Academy advises students to participate in an internship experience prior to program completion.

      Northshore Dental Assisting Academy
      6610 NE 181st St., Suite 1
      Kenmore, WA 98028

    Pima Medical Institute

    • Pima Medical Institute offers a dental assisting certificate program at various locations throughout the western United States including campuses in Seattle and Renton, Washington. The Pima Medical Institute dental assisting program consists of three professional course sequences and externship working experience. Students learn dental office procedures, patient care techniques, and the fundamentals of dental assisting, including clinical procedures, radiography, pharmacology and dental anatomy. Within seven months, students are able to complete the program and obtain a career as an entry-level dental assistant. After working 3,500 hours within a 24-month period, graduates will be eligible to sit for the certification examination.

      Pima Medical Institute – Seattle
      9707 Third Ave. NE., Suite 400
      Seattle, WA 98115

      Pima Medical Institute – Renton
      555 S. Renton Village Place, Suite 110
      Renton, WA 98057

    Seattle Vocational Institute

    • In direct affiliation with Seattle Central Community College, Seattle Vocational Institute provides a variety of career training programs including a Dental Assistant Certificate of Completion Program. The program, accredited by the American Dental Association, provides a comprehensive curriculum with classroom and laboratory-based coursework along with a dental externship. The Seattle Vocational Institute provides working experiences in a fully equipped, state-of-the-art dental clinic. The clinic is fully operational and open to the public two days a week.

      Seattle Vocational Institute
      2120 S. Jackson St.
      Seattle, WA 98144

    Spokane Community College

    • Students at Spokane Community College can participate in a one-year certificate program or a two-year associate degree program for dental assisting. The programs have accreditation from the American Dental Association. The certificate program requires three quarters of courses including dental radiology, anatomy and chair-side techniques, along with two clinical experiences. In addition to the core dental courses, students in the degree program complete a variety of academic courses such as general biology, psychology and chemistry. Upon completion of their selected program, students will receive a Certificate of Completion or an Associate of Applied Science in Dental Assisting.

      Spokane Community College
      1810 N. Greene St.
      Spokane, WA 99217-5399

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