Dental Schools in Mobile, Alabama

Programs in professional dentistry and dental assistance train students to operate competently in the medical industry. The city of Mobile hosts Doctor of Dentistry and Associate's degree-granting institutions for students who have previously completed collegiate course work or who are enrolling in upper-level studies for the first time. These programs involve two to four years of study.
  1. University of South Alabama

    • The University of South Alabama's health pre-professions program offers academic advising services to students interested in applying for four-year dental schools. Students enrolled in the program select a degree in biology, biomedical sciences, cardiorespiratory care, chemistry, physics or psychology for their foundation coursework. University advisors assist students in registration and preparation for the Dental Admissions Test. The program also provide mock interview sessions for students wishing to refine their communications skills prior to applying for schools.

    Fortis College

    • The Mobile branch of Fortis College offers an Associate's degree in dental assistance. The program trains individuals in the techniques and skills necessary for employment in a professional dental office or health clinic. Courses include training in office work, patient interaction and laboratory duties. Upon graduation, alumni have acquired the skills necessary for immediate employment. Prospective students must complete an online application for admissions consideration. Financial aid is available for qualified applicants.

    Trenholm State Technical College

    • Although Trenholm State Technical College is located in Montgomery, Alabama, it is one of few dental assistant training programs in the state of Alabama. Students enrolled in the two-years Associate's program study the technical skills necessary to assist dentists in a surgical environment. Students also take classes in laboratory techniques and office management. Prospective applicants must complete an online application for enrollment consideration.

    University of Alabama

    • Located in Birmingham, roughly 250 miles form Mobile, the University of Alabama hosts the only Doctor of Dental Science degree program in the state of Alabama. The four-year program includes coursework in biochemistry, dental anatomy and operative dentistry, among others. The final two years of the program involve extensive clinical training. Prospective applicants must have completed at least three years of collegiate coursework with classes in biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics and humanities courses. Each applicant must also take the Dental Admissions Test. Applicants can e-mail the Department of Dentistry to receive application instructions.

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