Scholarships for Minority Students

There are many scholarship opportunities for minorities in all fields of study. It is always helpful to begin looking at what field of study you may pursue and what school you would ideally like to attend. Most colleges have programs to help minority students pay for tuition. Even if a chosen school offers services and programs for minority students, assistance from some of the following resources can help bolster a student's reputation and help a person serious about his education become accepted to more competitive schools.
  1. The Gates Millennium Scholars

    • According to The Gates Millennium Scholars Web site, they are "administered by the United Negro College Fund, [and] provides scholarships and fellowships for outstanding low-income African-American, Native American, Hispanic American, and Asian American students to attend the undergraduate and graduate institutions of their choice."

    The United Negro College Fund

    • According to a brief history of the UNCF on its Web site, "the idea and mission of UNCF have attracted hundreds of thousands, who through their gifts and their goodwill have helped us to keep our students focused on achieving their college degrees. Numbered among our friends was Sen. John F. Kennedy, who later became president of the United States. In 1959, he donated the proceeds from his Pulitzer Prize-winning book, 'Profiles in Courage,' to UNCF.This organization has a longstanding and admirable reputation for helping the minority student gain financial help for college."

    NAACP Scholarships

    • The NAACP is an important organization whose mission, as written at its Web site, "is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination." The NAACP has a Youth and College program that offers scholarship opportunities such as the Earl G. Graves Scholarship and the Agnes Jones Jackson Scholarship.

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