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Alternative Learning Center Schools

Alternative Learning Programs and Schools (ALPS) or Alternative Learning Centers (ALCs) emerge as a response to parents and educators who are concerned about providing their kids with a suitable environment that promotes education through nontraditional methods of learning. There are numerous Alternative Learning Centers in the United States and abroad that are recognized by the National Coalition of Alternative Community Schools (NCACS).
  1. Functions

    • Alternative Learning Centers provide nontraditional education programs and methods that focus on encouraging students to develop their individual strengths and personal aptitudes. One of the priorities in these centers is to ensure there is a safe environment that is conducive for teaching and learning. Some of the principles by which these centers are guided are: parent and community involvement, promoting leadership, recognizing each student's way of learning and using positive reinforcement, among other things.

    Features and Schools

    • One of the advantages of Alternative Learning Centers is that they provide flexible hours and intend to be accessible to all community members, which allows working parents or low-income families with more education options. Additionally, there are ALC sites that focus on specific areas of learning or community needs, such as creative arts, parenting education and others. See the Resources section of this article for a list of Alternative Learning Centers in your community.


    • The National Coalition of Alternative Community Schools was created in 1978. This nonprofit organization is dedicated to promoting the participation of parents and educators and informing the public about the development of alternative ways of teaching with the purpose of fomenting a movement of learning communities in the United States and around the world.


    • Aside from Alternative Learning Centers, there are other unconventional methods of education specific for kids and teens, which promote analytical thinking, development of each student's aptitude, talent or intelligence or even enhancing general learning abilities through an early involvement with music playing. Some of these methods include the Kumon method, the Montessori method and the Suzuki method (see Resources).

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