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What Is Sylvan Learning Center?

Sometimes kids hit a stumbling block in school. Sylvan Learning Centers are there to make sure a small stumble does not turn into a full-blown obstacle. Trained and certified tutors in the Sylvan community allow the company to fulfill a new modern twist on reading, writing and arithmetic.
  1. History and Statistics

    • In 1979, Sylvan Learning Center began in Portland, Oregon. Today headquarters are in Baltimore. The Center boasts more than 1,100 locations across North America. Sylvan leads tutoring and educational services in the United States. Sylvan also provides academic camps for students throughout the year. Affordable tutoring services are offered in all subjects and grade levels. In addition, Sylvan Learning Centers offer careers and franchising opportunities.

    Categories and Expertise

    • Sylvan provides tutoring services in many areas. The most common are math, reading and writing. Services have expanded to include assistance in study skills and help with homework. Most recently, Sylvan has made test prep services available. These include state tests, national tests and ACT/SAT prep assistance. They provide services to students of all ages and skill levels. According to the corporate website (see References), Sylvan has "inspired more than 2 million students to discover the joy of learning."

    In-Center and Online

    • Sylvan Learning Centers offer help via online delivery and more traditional methods at its many locations. The online help runs the gamut of basic teaching tools and includes advanced math such as pre-algebra. Parents often choose the in-center method in the beginning. The one-on-one tutoring helps children jump the bump in the road they may have encountered. Children may need to grasp a topic; it may have not been presented to them in the correct way. Later on, the online reinforces skills. Sylvan makes note that each student, parent, teacher and tutor all need to be on the same team. This allows each child to reach his goals.

    All Ages and Levels

    • Sylvan provides services for pre-k through 12th grade. When does a pre-k student need tutoring? In order for readiness, Sylvan offers a pre-k reading program for children as young as 4 1/2 years old. In order to compete in school today, young kids are encouraged to learn to read early. Most entering kindergarten students are assessed the day they register for school. Middle school students find help with advanced math and language arts. High school students seek assistance in advanced subjects as mastering these results in better grades and possibly scholarship offers.

    Test Prep

    • Prepping for standardized tests is a growing part of the Sylvan experience. A child may understand the material, but moving that knowledge into state and nationally normed tests remains a bridge. For example, in Georgia, children are administered a CRCT in every grade level in the spring of each year (See References). The scores on these tests can indicate a need for gifted services. In eighth grade, scores mean progressing into high school. Tutors at Sylvan are trained and certified. They know how to help kids adapt abilities into higher scores on tests. College admission and scholarships become more competitive every year. High SAT/ACT scores and high GPAs are a necessity for high school students.

    What to Expect

    • Sylvan promotes mastery learning. This traditional way of learning moves students through a series of progressively more challenging stages. This ensures the mastery of a subject or skill. First, each student is evaluated by a company skills assessment. The assessment accurately pinpoints strengths and weaknesses in the academic process. This assessment also provides diagnostics of any learning problems. You and your child will both be interviewed. Opportunities to discuss the cause of problems will be available. Then individualized attention plan is developed to overcome any weaknesses.

    Motivation and Improved Attitudes

    • Sylvan has a unique motivation program. The goal is to inspire the child and equip him with confidence in his ability to achieve. When the child reaches goals and masters stages of the process, he is rewarded with earned tokens. He can then redeem tokens for prizes at the local Sylvan Learning Center. As he accomplishes more goals and tackles more challenging work with success, he gains more confidence with peers in the classroom. Tutors monitor progress, sharing with parents so everyone remains in the loop.

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