#  >> K-12 >> Preschool

How to Make a Teaching Schedule for Preschool

Preschoolers thrive on structure and being taught new things. Children at this age need to learn not only academics but areas such as proper hygiene and table manners. This can seem overwhelming to someone teaching preschool as there is so much that the children need to be taught and only a short amount of time in which to do it. To make the preschoolers' and their teacher's day flow smoothly with structure, a teaching schedule needs to be developed.

Things You'll Need

  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Lesson plans
  • Poster board
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    • 1

      Write down what academics and skills you want to teach the preschoolers. Include things like fine motor skills and circle time activities along with fundamentals like math and phonics.

    • 2

      Make a chart on poster board that is in 15-minute time increments. Put the time you would like your teaching schedule to start at the top and the time you'd like it to end at the bottom.

    • 3

      Review lessons plans and activities you'd like to teach the children. Use that information to decipher how long you believe you will need to spend on each academic area and skill and write that time beside those items on the list of areas you want to teach the preschoolers.

    • 4

      Fill in the chart with the academics and skills using the amount of time you believe it would take you to teach them. Remember that preschoolers have a short attention span and may need to take breaks often.

    • 5

      Use your teaching schedule for several days and determine if the amount of time you need for each academic area is realistic or needs to be changed.

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