How to Make a Schedule for a College Student

One of the biggest shocks to the new college student is how little time you seem to have. While you might not have that many hours in class, the rest of your week can be quickly taken up by reading, studying, writing essays, not to mention partying. Take control over your week before it is too late by making your own schedule. By factoring in time for studying, eating, sleeping and fun, you can find a balance that will help you succeed in college without burning yourself out.


    • 1

      Make a list of all your activities in a typical week. Include attending class, homework and studying, extracurricular activities, meals, relaxing, sleeping and having fun with friends. Write down how many hours you think each of these activities requires per week. Be accurate in your estimations. When in doubt, overestimate how long each activity takes.

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      Make a weekly schedule on a sheet of paper or on your computer. Break down each day by the hour. Start plugging in your activities for the week. Begin with your classes, as these cannot be changed. Try to leave five to 30 minutes before and after your lectures for preparing for class and reviewing material. Consider how long it takes to travel to your classes as well.

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      Schedule your meals and all scheduled activities and commitments. If you have any special activities or weekly meetings to attend, put these into your schedule.

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      Schedule time to do schoolwork. Be realistic about your expectations. For example, don't include 10 hours of studying each day if you don't think you will do it. Schedule time each day for studying. Label which course you will focus on at which time. Make your study time in blocks of at least two to three hours, so you have time to pursue intensive activities. Schedule the bulk of your study time for when you work best, whether it is morning, afternoon or evening.

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      Pencil in time for relaxing and being social with friends. Again, be realistic. Don't restrict social time to one hour a week if you anticipate going out with friends more than this. At the same time, stick to your schedule. If you know you need to wake up early on the weekend to study, don't have a late night out.

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      Leave room on your schedule for open time, which you can use for personal or academic needs during a particularly busy week. If you have a large essay to write or an exam to study for, use this time for working on it.

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