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How to Convert to Metric for Kids

Teaching children to convert the English system measurements used in the United States to the metric measurements used by most other countries is important in our global economy. Learning the simple conversions prepares the students for more advanced math concepts. Tell the children that our closest neighbors, Mexico and Canada, use such metric units as meters, kilometers, grams, kilograms, Celsius and liters.

Things You'll Need

  • List of conversion formulas
  • Calculator
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    • 1

      Determine whether the conversion involves length, weight, temperature, volume or distance. Find the formula on your conversion list.

    • 2

      Convert length from feet to meters by multiplying the number of feet by 0.3048. To convert 20 feet to meters, multiply 20 by 0.3048 to get 6.096 meters.

    • 3

      Convert weight from pounds to kilograms by multiplying the number of pounds by 0.4536. To convert 20 pounds to kilograms, multiply 20 by 0.4536 to get 9.072 kilograms.

    • 4

      Convert temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius by subtracting 32 from the Fahrenheit measurement and then multiplying this number by 5/9 (or .555555). To convert 20 degrees Fahrenheit to Celsius, subtract 32 from 20 and multiply by 5/9 to get negative 6.66 degrees Celsius.

    • 5

      Convert volume from gallons to liters by multiplying the number of gallons by 3.78. To convert 20 gallons to liters, multiply 20 by 3.78. The answer is 75.6 liters.

    • 6

      Convert miles to kilometers by multiplying the number of miles by 1.6093. To convert 20 miles to kilometers, multiply 20 by 1.6093. The answer is 32.186 kilometers

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