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Finger Plays & Crafts for the Letter A

Finger plays and crafts are often used as a means of introducing new topics and concepts to young children. These activities present information in an engaging and interesting way that captures the interest of young children, helping to promote greater comprehension of the topic or concept they are used to teach. Consider using finger plays and craft activities when teaching children about the letter "A."
  1. Sing Hurray for A Finger Play

    • Use this catchy finger play to foster an understanding of the sound the letter "A" makes. This finger play is sung to the tune of "The Farmer in the Dell."

      Let's sing hurray for "A" (make an uppercase "A" with forefingers and thumbs of both hands),

      Let's sing hurray for "A" (make uppercase "A" with fingers).

      Let's sing hurray for "A" today (jump up and throw arms in the air)

      Let's sing hurray for "A" (make uppercase "A" with fingers).

      "Apple" starts with "A",

      "Asparagus" starts the same way,

      Let's sing hurray for "A" today (make uppercase "A" with fingers),

      Let's sing hurray for "A" (jump up and throw arms in the air).

    Apples Are Falling Finger Play

    • This finger play will also help children gain an understanding of the sound the letter "A" makes. Prior to singing the song, discuss the sound the letter makes, say the word "apple" and ask children if they can hear the sound of the letter in the beginning of the word. Engage children in the finger play, which is sung to the tune of "Frere Jacques."

      Apples are falling, apples are falling (wiggle fingers above head and down to the ground),

      From the tree, from the tree.

      Count the apples with me, count the apples with me;

      One, two, three; one, two, three.

    Tactile Letter A Craft

    • Have children create a tactile letter "A" to promote recognition of the sound the letter makes. Draw an uppercase and lowercase letter "A" on a piece of paper. Discuss the sound the letter makes and have children trace each of the letters with crayon, colored pencil or markers. Set out a variety of objects that begin with the letter "A," such as apple stickers, ant stamps and acorns. Name each of the objects and ask children if they can identify the letter that each object begins with. Encourage children to glue the acorns, stick the apples and stamp the ants onto the uppercase and lowercase "A."

    Alligator "As"

    • Children can create alligators from the letter "A." Print an uppercase letter "A" on paper; have children name the letter and state the sound that it makes. Discuss how the word "alligator" begins with the letter "A" and inform children that they are going to turn the letter into alligators. Instruct children to color in their letters with green crayons and have them turn the letter on its side. Cut small triangles from white paper and have children glue the triangles along the inner legs of the letter, creating the look of an alligator mouth. Offer kids googly eyes and have them glue them to the top of their letters to complete the craft.

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