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Learning the ABCs for Kids

Learning the ABCs is important for every child, as each letter builds a word. When children learn the ABCs, they can move on to reading simple words with similar sounds. Learning the ABCs is also important when learning how to write. Parents may assist their children to learn the ABCs through songs and games to make learning the alphabet enjoyable rather than mundane.
  1. ABC Song

    • Most children first learn the ABCs through song. The alphabet song is sung to the tune of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star," a lullaby most children have heard since infancy, which make the beat recognizable. Parents may teach the ABCs to kids before entering preschool or kindergarten to help kids get a jumpstart on their education. Take the opportunity to sing the alphabet song to kids during the day while performing chores or running errands to reinforce their learning in a casual manner.

    ABC Illustration Books

    • Illustration books provide a visual medium for children as they learn the ABCs. Letters of the alphabet are illustrated with an image that begins with that particular letter. For example, kids may see a cat next to the letter C. This allows kids to make a connection between each letter and the sound created by each letter in a word. Illustrations are also great way to begin the process of reading when words accompany each letter.

    ABC Flashcards

    • Parents may create or purchase flashcards to assist children learning the alphabet. Flash cards contain illustrations, much like a book, but rather than having several letters on one page, parents may switch to different letters. Show flashcards to kids for 15 minutes each day to help them memorize the letters at a steady pace. Say a word beginning with the letter shown on each flashcard to help children make a connection between a letter and a word.

    ABC Games

    • ABC games are an enjoyable way to teach children the alphabets. Parents may purchase letter blocks to create games such as create a word or letter scramble, in which kids must search for each letter and place them in alphabetical order. Parents may also play bingo games with letters and I spy games, where kids must look around for items in their home or outdoors that begin with the letters in the alphabet.

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