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How to Make Times Table Flash Cards

Flashcards are a great way to help elementary school students learn the multiplication times tables. Since students may want to learn the times table by individual multiples, make sets of flashcards organized into multiples of ones, twos, threes and so on. It also makes it easy to re-organize the cards if they get mixed up, since each multiple is color coded and can be put back with the cards from its original set.

Things You'll Need

  • Index cards
  • Markers or crayons
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    • 1

      Purchase 5-by-7-inch index cards. Buy enough packages so that there are at least 144 cards in the package. Invest in index cards that feel tougher rather than flimsy, since they will be handled frequently.

    • 2

      Purchase a box of markers or crayons with at least 12 different colors. This is the ideal option for making the cards. However, if only a smaller crayon box is available, try to get a box with at least six markers, with crayons as an additional alternative.

    • 3

      Count out 12 index cards and place them into a pile. Count out another 12 cards and place them into a pile. Do this for the remainder of the cards until there are 12 piles of 12 cards in total.

    • 4

      Choose a marker or crayon and pick up the first pile of cards. Write the times tables on the flashcards, beginning with ''1 times 1'' or ''1 X 1". On the first card, write the numeral 1, then place an X symbol below it. Write the numeral 1 again and a horizontal line underneath to indicate an equation. Make sure that these numbers are large and easy to read. On the back of the card, write the answer (1). Repeat the same procedure for each card as you progress through the times tables, with "1 X 2", "1 X 3" and so on. Do this until the card pile is done and the last card is "1 X 12". Make a small mark on the top edge of each card so it is easy to keep sets together when the cards are out of set.

    • 5

      Choose another marker or crayon and pick up the second pile of cards. Follow step 1, but use the numeral 2 instead of numeral 1, as you progress through the 2s times table. Write equations on the front of the cards and answers on the back.

    • 6

      Continue the times tables as you did in step 1, but replace the top number with each new set of cards. Do this until you have completed the 12s times tables. If there are fewer than 12 markers in the pack, use six different colors. Then starting on the seventh card, repeat the colors so that there are two sets of cards with the same color.

    • 7

      Put the cards back together, keeping them neat and in order. Look at the marks on the top of the card -- the same colors should all be next to each other, if the cards are correctly grouped, unless 12 colors were not used.

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