How to Cite an Advertisement in a Text

You will probably use a variety of sources when you write a paper: television shows, magazines, books, websites, movies, package inserts and songs. There is, however, another easily overlooked source, which showcases a company's opinion of their product at a specific date in history. It's an advertisement. Depending on the style, advertisements can be a reference to items which were important to society at a particular point in time. For example, Rosie the Riveter is an iconic advertising image introduced as a way to encourage women to work while American men fought in World War II.


    • 1

      Summarize the information detailed in the advertisement that you want to include in your paper. If you are writing a paper about fashion, write a description of the clothing worn in the advertisement. On the other hand, if you are writing a paper which documents the way a medication is portrayed to the public, copy a few quotes from the advertisement.

    • 2

      Find the paragraph where you want to insert your citation. Write the location and date of when the advertisement was published. If the advertisement was in a magazine, write the name of the magazine and the date the magazine was published. For example, if you are citing an ad found in a magazine write, "In the April 2009 issue of Parent magazine."

    • 3

      Write the name of the company the advertisement is about. For example, if it's an advertisement about cereal, write the name of the company which manufactured the cereal.

    • 4

      Make a set of parentheses and fill it with the name of the company who's product is depicted in the advertisement. Follow it with a period. Type the location where the ad was found and the date of the publication. Your ending citation will look similar to this: (Dove. Marie Claire 2011)

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