How to Set Up a Classroom Debate

The organized classroom debate remains a time-honored tradition in American education. The discussion of ideas by opposing parties allows both students and educators to explore issues regarding a wide range of topics. To begin a debate, educators must organize teams, properly arrange the classroom and set the standards related to the debate proceedings. In addition, the set-up of a classroom debate must contain a review of emergency procedures to include the proper student response to a fire alarm.

Things You'll Need

  • Lecturn
  • Microphone
  • Timeclock
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      Divide the classroom into two teams of debate participants. Though some students may decline participation, allow non-participants the opportunity to discuss debate topics in an open forum following the debate. In addition, set the rotation for each participating team member regarding response and podium time.

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      Set the standards. To begin a classroom-based debate, inform each debate team of the rules regarding items such as time periods, etiquette and subject matter. Inform each debate team member of the standards regarding bathroom breaks and fire alarm response. If needed, create a written hand-out outlining the rules of debate for classroom distribution.

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      Organize the room. For an effective classroom debate, separate the chairs and tables in the classroom so that each team sits opposite of each other. If needed, set aside an additional area for judges and or time keepers. Place a podium or lectern to the front of the classroom for microphone suggestions and responses. In the case of an emergency, allow room for students to conduct a unimpeded fire exit. Seat the non-participants in a separate area that allows for viewing and audience participation, if needed.

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