Makeup Artist Schools in Michigan

Also known as aestheticians, makeup artists work in a variety of professions from film and television to theater and print. They use cosmetics and other beauty products to enhance the image of individuals who work in fields like acting, modeling and television broadcasting. Makeup artist courses in Michigan are provided at private institutions as well as colleges and universities.
  1. John Casablancas Modeling and Career Center

    • There are John Casablancas schools located in 6 cities in Michigan. The school was started by John Casablancas, founder of Elite Model Management International, one of the largest modeling agencies in the world. The school provides training in a variety of skills including professional modeling, television commercial acting, exercise and nutrition, and the latest runway techniques. Students will learn the essentials of makeup artistry and use of tools along with skin and hair care techniques. The course in makeup techniques provides a well-rounded instruction on the proper use and application of cosmetics for day-to-day and on-camera purposes. The school is licensed by the board of education to operate in 35 states.

      John Casablancas Modeling and Career Center

      45185 Joy Road

      Canton, MI 48187-1729


    Global Beauty Makeup Artist School

    • Global Beauty Makeup Artist School is located in five states, including Michigan. The school provides certificate courses in a wide-array of courses such as media make-up and airbrush, exotic rainforest facials, and beauty services for weddings and special occasions. In addition to providing classroom training, prospective students have the option of taking online courses in makeup artistry. Students can also take specialized courses like organic skin care and cosmetics, personal imaging, and color analysis.

      Global Beauty Makeup Artist School

      P. O. Box 167

      Lincoln Park, MI 48146


    Northern Michigan University

    • The certificate program in cosmetology at Northern Michigan University provides comprehensive training in theoretical and practical applications of cosmetology. Students will receive their training in a variety of beauty related services such as tinting eyebrows and lashes, makeup application, giving facial treatments and hair styling. In addition to providing certificate training in cosmetology, the university also provides a cosmetology instructor certificate program. Course highlights include fundamentals of cosmetology, fundamental application of physical services and special topics in cosmetology. The course runs for one-year; students who successfully complete the training are eligible to become fully licensed cosmetologists.

      Northern Michigan University

      Cosmetology Certificate program

      1401 Presque Isle Ave

      Marquette, MI 49855


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