MA Law Schools

Finding the right law school in the state of Massachusetts is no easy feat. There are more great law schools throughout Massachusetts than in most other U.S. states, and some of those schools are among the best in the country. A variety of factors make certain law schools in the state better than others and looking at some of the top programs can help you make the best decisions for your short list before you apply.
  1. Boston College Law School

    • Boston College is a law school that has special programs of study that focus in a variety of subject areas. Some of these specializations include juvenile rights law, women and the law, immigration law, issues relating to homelessness and general criminal justice. Boston College also has dual degree programs available to its law students as well as semester abroad programs. The annual tuition for a full-time student to attend Boston College Law School is $38,450 per year and the rate of graduates employed at graduation is 86 percent at time of publication.

    Boston University School of Law

    • At Boston University School of Law, there are many internship and externship opportunities available to students. In addition, Boston University boasts three unique clinical programs: criminal, civil, and legislative, respectively. The university also has 13 exchange programs that allow students to study abroad while earning credit toward their law degrees. Locations include Paris, Buenos Aires, Tel Aviv, and Oxford, among many others. The annual tuition for a full-time student to attend Boston University School of Law is $38,266 per year and the rate of graduates employed at graduation is 90.6 percent.

    Harvard University

    • Harvard University is arguably one of the best universities in the nation. The law school is a mecca for research, and it houses over 15 research centers on and around campus. In addition, Harvard has a nationally recognized law review as well as intensive clinical programs and many joint degree options available to students. The annual tuition for a full-time student to attend Harvard Law School is $41,500 per year and the rate of graduates employed at graduation is 97.1 percent.

    New England School of Law

    • New England School of Law has many highly specialized academic centers of study. These centers include the fields of business law and international law, among others. The law school also has its own "Clinical Law Office" as well as extensive legal research and writing requirements for students obtaining their law degrees. The annual tuition for a full-time student to attend New England School of Law is $33,580 per year and the rate of graduates employed by nine months after graduation is 81.2 percent.

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