How do I Find ACLS Classes?

Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) classes are educational sessions that teach health care providers the skills necessary to treat someone suffering from a cardiovascular problem such as a heart attack. Classroom sessions feature lectures, simulated clinical scenarios and hands-on rotations that allow students to practice life-saving skills, according to the American Heart Association. Some ACLS training is available online, but most health care providers obtain certified training through ACLS classes in their communities. There are three main steps to find ACLS classes.


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      Search through the American Heart Association. The American Heart Association provides the certification and instruction materials for most ACLS courses and maintains a national database of available courses. The association's Class Connector allows you to search for a nearby training center that offers ACLS classes by entering your ZIP code; if you want to complete ACLS training before a specific date, you may enter a range of dates to find classes happening at that time.

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      Check local hospitals. Many community and teaching hospitals offer ACLS classes as a way to keep their employees trained in necessary life-saving skills. Call your local hospital's education department or the cardiovascular division to inquire about ACLS training. Be sure to ask about fees, since some hospitals provide free training to employees but charge nonemployees a nominal registration fee for the classes.

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      Contact local community colleges. Most community, technical or junior colleges that offer health care degree programs offer ACLS training as part of the required coursework; professionals in the community may also attend these courses even though they are not part of the degree program. Look at online course catalogues for your nearby community college to find ACLS classes, and be sure to note how many credits the course is worth---community colleges charge for classes based on a per-credit basis.

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