Court Reporting Technical Schools

Many technical colleges, including the Court Reporting Institute of Dallas and Brown College of Court Reporting and Medical Transcription provide students with the ability to learn court reporting. They are taught how to transcribe court proceedings and pretrial depositions through course work and self taught assignments. Class size and learning orientation depend on the student's preference.
  1. Associate Degrees

    • The Court Reporting Institute of Dallas is a technical college that provides students the ability take on line class in court reporting. Students can receive an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Court Reporting. The Court Reporting Institute of Dallas offers a combination of real time and self paced assignments over a 120 week time period. Students study court reporting theory, law and legal terminology and principles of speech.

    Accredited Technical College

    • The Brown College of Court Reporting and Medical Transcription is the only technical college in the state of Georgia approved by the National Court Reporters Association or the NCRA. They provide part-time, evening, and on-line courses to small classes who want to learn the trade of court reporting. Students who attend Brown must pass a skills test of typing 225 words per minute with 95 percent accuracy to be eligible for graduation.

    Dever Technical College

    • Technical Colleges, such as the Denver Academy of Court Reporting, offer students the ability to learn legal terminology and courtroom procedures. They lay down the foundation for a career in court reporting. Students can learn the different aspects and punctuation in shorthand writing and are taught the different technical aspects of court reporting.

    Careers in Court Reporting

    • Through technical programs in court reporting, students learn the different career options available. Many trained in court reporting don't work inside the court room. Those trained can work as official court reporters or broadcast and publishing transcriptionists. Many former students are hired by attorneys, companies, associations, and organizations, where they document pretrial testimony, depositions, and business meetings.

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