Medical Schools in Prescott, AZ

Prescott, Arizona, is located in central Arizona approximately one hundred miles north of Phoenix. The population of the city is 39,843. It is home to extension branches of Northern Arizona and Old Dominion Universities and to Prescott College, a liberal arts school. There are no medical schools in Prescott, Arizona; however, you can pursue medical professions at the University of Northern Arizona extension branch. The closest medical schools are at University of Nevada Las Vegas; the School of Osteopathic Medicine in Arizona, located in Mesa, just outside of Phoenix; and University of Arizona's College of Medicine, Phoenix Campus.
  1. University of Nevada Las Vegas

    • UNLV's medical college is located two hundred and fifty-two miles from Prescott, Arizona. The college admits 62 students each year, though most are Nevada residents. It has a combined medical and doctoral degree (MD/PhD). Students at the college begin their clinical training in their first year by shadowing clinical physicians in their practice.

    School of Osteopathic Medicine in Arizona

    • The School of Osteopathic Medicine in Arizona trains students in osteopathic medicine. The school focuses on treating the body as a holistic unit and practicing medicine in a way that allows the body to self-regulate and self-maintain.

    University of Arizona College of Medicine -- Phoenix.

    • The University of Arizona College of Medicine, Phoenix branch, is a four-year medical-school program founded in the fall of 2006. It is located in downtown Phoenix and offers students the opportunity to train in Phoenix hospitals in their final two years of school.

    University of Northern Arizona -- Prescott extension

    • The University of Northern Arizona, Prescott extension, does not offer doctor training but does provide training in a variety of other medical professions, such as medical assisting, paramedic care, nursing, and surgical technology.

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