Colleges That Offer a Pharmacist Degree

Students interested in becoming a pharmacist must pursue a doctor of pharmacy degree program from an accredited university. Though the doctor of pharmacy degree is a professional degree rather than an academic one (in the same way a doctor of medicine is a professional, non-academic degree), many of the top universities in the United States offer accredited pharmacist degree programs.
  1. University of North Carolina

    • The University of North Carolina's Eshelman School of Pharmacy, which was ranked in 2009 by "U.S. News & World Report" as the second-best pharmacy school in the United States, offers a doctor of pharmacy degree program. Designed as a four-year degree, the UNC program requires that students take a full slate of general science courses, including biochemistry and physiology, before moving on to the core pharmacy science offerings. In their fourth year, students are required to complete a clinical practicum under the supervision of a master pharmacist in North Carolina. Students who complete both the coursework and practicum successfully receive a degree accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education.

      University of North Carolina
      Eshelman School of Pharmacy
      CB #7355
      Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7355
      (919) 966-9429

    University of Florida

    • The University of Florida offers a unique pharmacy degree program tailored for working professionals which can be completed online. The school's College of Pharmacy, which was ranked in 2009 as the ninth-best pharmacy school in the United States by "U.S. News & World Report," utilizes an online learning platform to deliver pharmacy courses on an asynchronous (archived) schedule. This allows working students the flexibility to log in and learn at their convenience. In addition to science and core pharmacy science courses, students must complete a clinical practicum. For those professionals working in a pharmacy, this practicum can be completed on-the-job.

      University of Florida
      WPPD Support Center
      P.O. Box 691629
      Orlando, FL 32869-1629
      (800) 431-6687

    University of Pittsburgh

    • The University of Pittsburgh offers a doctor of pharmacy degree program through its School of Pharmacy, which in 2009 was ranked as one of the top 20 pharmacy schools in the United States. Students in this four-year program are required to complete two years of general courses, including science sequences in biology, chemistry and biochemistry. In their final two years of study, students are required to complete a clinical component through the University of Pittsburgh's Experiential Learning Program. The pharmacy degree at the University of Pittsburgh is fully accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education.

      The University of Pittsburgh
      School of Pharmacy
      1104 Salk Hall
      3501 Terrace St.
      Pittsburgh, PA 15261
      (412) 383-9000

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