Architecture Colleges in Houston

The fast-growing field of architecture is significant to today's society. Architecture is responsible for the world's housing, commercial buildings and other structures. Prospective students living in the Houston, Texas area or applying for college courses in this area will find a few different schools that offer degrees in this field.
  1. Westwood College

    • The Westwood College School of Design offers classes in architectural drafting for prospective undergraduate students. Westwood College also offers flexible schedules with educational facilities that use technology and materials relevant to the industry.

    University of Houston

    • The University of Houston is a public university with more than 100 undergraduate degree programs that includes a five-year curriculum designed for students earning a bachelor's degree in architecture. The program focuses on the professional practice of architecture as well as critical thinking, research and the technology an architect uses to complete a design. The university architecture curriculum consists of at least 100 semester hours of architecture courses, along with required core and elective courses.

    Rice School of Architecture at Rice University

    • The Bachelor's of Arts Degree in Architectural Studies at Rice School of Architecture is offered to architecture students who have completed a two-year foundation program. Students will complete four semesters of a curriculum identical to the foundation curriculum of the architecture program with the exception of one technology course. Students in this program must also complete an additional studio and elective courses.

      A second option, the Bachelor of Architecture program, is offered to students who have already completed the pre-professional undergraduate architecture program. Students in this program are assigned a preceptorship, involving one year of professional experience with an additional year of educational study.

    ITT Technical Institute

    • The ITT Technical Institute School of Drafting and Design in Houston offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs in drafting and design, which blends classroom theory and application within its courses. Students will learn how to draft and design a variety of structures and products using today's best technology. The program strives to aid graduates in beginning careers in entry-level positions in fields such as drafting and design, architectural and construction drafting, and interior design.

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