How to Transfer Credits & GPA

When transferring from one school to another, you must submit your transcript which lists all of the classes you took and your grades. Not all of your coursework will be accepted for credit at the new school. Depending on which of your classes is accepted for credit, your transfer GPA may be the same or different from your current GPA. Fortunately, failed and incomplete classes aren't accepted for credit and therefore not calculated into your transfer GPA, but these types of marks may hinder you from being accepted into your school of choice.

Things You'll Need

  • College application
  • 1 to 3 recommendations
  • Transcript(s)
  • SAT score
  • ACT score
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    • 1

      Obtain an application for the school you intend to transfer to by the enrollment date. Many colleges have applications available on their website. If this is not the case, request an application by mail.

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      Answer all the questions on the application. Enter your name, contact information, educational history, intended area of study and all other required information. Complete a personal essay, if required.

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      Obtain personal recommendations. Many schools require transfer students to submit one to three recommendations from teachers or other non-family members. Recommendations must be sealed and sent directly to the school.

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      Request that your current or last school send your official transcripts to the school you're applying to. Your transcripts will display all classes completed and your GPA. An official transcript must be marked "official" and sealed in an envelope. There is a fee for this, typically between $5 to $15.

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      Request your SAT or ACT scores. Most colleges don't require transfer students to submit these scores but read the application instructions to determine whether your new school does.

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      Submit the application, application fee and other supplemental materials to the school by the application deadline. If you're accepted by the institution, a representative will go over your transcript, give you academic credit for any transferable courses and enter your GPA for your transferable coursework. After your first semester at your new school, your GPA for the semester will be averaged with your previous GPA to form your cumulative GPA.

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