How to Transfer to Art School

If you are looking to transfer to art school, it's likely that you are currently enrolled in another degree program and have instead decided to pursue art. There are many art schools throughout the country, including Rhode Island School of Design, Pratt Institute, Parsons School of Design and the Chicago Art Institute. While each school has its own particular procedure for transfer students, there are certain aspects of the application that are universal.

Things You'll Need

  • School transcripts
  • Portfolio
  • SAT scores
  • Letters of recommendation
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      Produce your official college transcripts. You will have to request these transcripts from the registrar's office at all colleges you have attended. Keep in mind that there is often a fee for this service.

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      Assemble your portfolio. Your portfolio should consist of approximately 12 to 20 samples of your recent two- and three-dimensional works. Universities now prefer digital portfolios, so burn images of your work onto a compact disc.

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      Send your SAT scores to the art school to which you want to transfer. Also send your ACT score if you took that standardized test.

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      Provide up to three letters of recommendation. The letters should be written by former teachers or professionals who can attest to your artistic ability.

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