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How to Decorate a Responsive Classroom

Educators use the "responsive" classroom approach to improve on areas that have been increasingly determined to be of concern, namely the deficiency of basic social skills exhibited in many of their young pupils, from knowing how to greet one another to having effective problem-solving skills. If you are an educator who has chosen to use the responsive classroom method for your class, there are a variety of ways that you can enhance the responsive classroom learning experience through decoration.


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      Create or locate clip art of smiling faces greeting each other or engaging in other polite pleasantries. Another option is to take photos of students saying "good morning," helping a classmate with a project with "Thank You" written below the image and so on. Place these images on the bulletin board or wall. Children are therefore reminded of the way that they are expected to behave by way of visual examples.

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      Put up posters or a photo montage showing children or adults working together to accomplish some task. The activity shown can be anything from cleaning a classroom or house to raising a barn. These images should emphasize the value of cooperation.

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      Create another wall section that has quotes by famous people about politeness and civility, such as the quote by Samuel Johnson, "When once the forms of civility are violated, there remains little hope of return to kindness or decency." You might include images of children politely sharing toys or snacks.

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      Develop an area of your classroom to conduct morning meetings. Here you can discuss issues ranging from proper etiquette to that day's lessons. Use partitions, bookcases, furniture and decorative accessories to create a comfortable meeting area for your students. Using the right colors can help promote harmony. Green and blue both have a calming effect on children and adults.

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