How to Print a Food Handlers Permit

Individuals who work in the food industry are required by law to obtain a food handlers permit within a specific time-frame. Most states offer course instruction and testing online for convenience. The test takes approximately 30 minutes to complete and results are given immediately. The food handlers card can be printed as soon as you have completed and passed the course or it can be printed at a later time. The course is specifically designed to make food industry workers aware of the risks involved with handling food and to properly prepare them for serving the general public.


    • 1

      Open an Internet browser and navigate to your state's food handler permit website. If you do not remember or know the URL for the page you need then navigate to and perform a search. Enter the name of your state followed by the term "food handlers card" into the search page and click on the "Google Search" button using your mouse. For example, if you are looking for an Oregon food handlers permit you would type "Oregon food handlers card" into the search engine. Choose the appropriate website by selecting it with your cursor.

    • 2

      Log on to the website by selecting the "Log On" tab with your mouse. Enter in the requested information into the appropriate fields. Most food handler websites will request your first name, last name, and birthday information. Once you have filled in these fields, click the "Login" button located at the bottom of the page.

    • 3

      Find the "Print Options" tab, once you have successfully logged on. Multiple options will appear in a separate web page. Decide if you want to print a badge, certificate or card. Select the appropriate option with your mouse. A separate web page will pop up with all of your card information (date of issue, expiration date, name) and a print screen will appear.

    • 4

      Click the appropriate printer in the "Select Printer" field by clicking on it with your mouse. Change the number of copies to be printed from one to two (a copy for you and a copy for your employer) and click on the "Print" button. Two copies of your food handler card, badge or certificate will print.

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