How to Cite No Author in APA Style

With numerous citation guides out there, you may encounter difficulty when trying to figure out how to cite sources, especially those with no author. The American Psychological Association, or the APA, presents one common method for citation. Created 80 years ago by social scientists who hoped to standardize editorial notes and references, the APA outlines all of its official rules in the "The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association". This publication describes the rules that govern citations, offering specific guidelines for citing sources without an author.


    • 1

      Determine whether there is any authorial information available. Sometimes authors may be groups or organizations, and, if this is the case, then you can put the group or organization in place of an author. If the author is listed as "anonymous," then place "anonymous" in place of the author's name.

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      Use the name of the text and date in your in-text citations. Articles, chapters of books and web pages should be in quotation marks, and whole books, periodicals, brochures and reports should be in italics.

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      Put the title in place of the author's name in your bibliography. You will alphabetize this in your bibliography by the first significant word. For example, if the title is "The History of the English Language," then you would alphabetize it with other "h" words.

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      Place the edition (if there is one) in parenthesis after the title, with no other punctuation separating the two. You will put a period after the closing parenthesis of the edition.

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      Add the date, location of publication and publisher. The date goes inside parentheses after the title and edition. The date should have a period after it. The publication should follow this and have a semicolon, after which the publisher is listed.

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