How to Make Perfect Curves in Appliques

Applique is a challenging form of quilt making for many. Achieving a perfect curve is complicated by the flexibility of the fabrics you are working with. Heat-resistant template plastic and starch can be used to achieve the perfect curve.

Things You'll Need

  • Mechanical pencil
  • Spare change
  • Heat-resistant template plastic
  • Compass
  • Craft scissors
  • Foundation fabric for appliqueing
  • Fabric for applique pieces
  • Applique pattern
  • Starch
  • Thread
  • Iron
  • Ironing board
  • Large-eye, size 10 sharps sewing needle
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      For small circles, use the mechanical pencil to trace around a penny on the template plastic to get a perfect circle. Cut the circle out with the craft scissors, carefully following the line. Place the disc on the back side of your fabric and trace around it with a pencil. Cut the circle out while allowing for 1/8-inch seam allowance. Large circles or curves can be made using the compass or you can trace directly onto the plastic from your pattern.

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      Spray starch on the fabric circle and let it dry. Baste in the seam allowance around the outer edge of your circle, leaving the thread loose when done. Place the template disc in the center of your circle on the back side of the fabric and pull the basting thread to snug the seam allowance around the edges. Tie the threads off. Smooth the edges.

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      Iron the fabric circle with the template basted inside on the ironing board. Remove the plastic. Thread the large-eye, size 10 sharps sewing needle with thread to match your fabric and applique in place on your foundation fabric. Common stitches used are whip stitch, blind stitch and buttonhole for a decorative effect. Keep your stitches close together.

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      For inside curves, trace the required curve onto the front of your applique fabric and cut the piece out with 1/8-inch seam allowance. The tracing line will be your sewing line.

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      Clip the inside curve seam allowance just up to the sewing line. The tighter the curve, the closer the clipping has to be. Applique to the foundation fabric following the marked line and turning the seam allowance under as you go with the edge of the needle.

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