RF Design Training

The study of radio frequency design includes a range of electrical engineering topics, from basic circuitry to wireless communications. Training in the field typically occurs as during an electronics engineering degree program, but you don't need a degree to be an amateur radio enthusiast or general RF hobbyist.
  1. Scope of Training

    • Specializations of RF design including wireless telecommunications, wireless computer networks and radio frequency integrated circuit technology. All concentrations require mastering the basics of RF theory and engineering principles as well as an in-depth study of the related technologies, such as 3G/4G, CDMA and WiMax. Regardless of the specialization, RF design is a complex field of study requiring strong technical knowledge.

    Training Options

    • The Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Naval Electrical Engineering Training Series provide free course materials online, although neither institution grants credits or degrees. Industry websites, including IEEE's ComSoc and Tonex, offer shorter, intensive training programs at a significantly lower overall cost than a college degree.

    Career Prospects

    • Career prospects abound in RF design. According to Monster.com, an RF design engineer typically makes $93,500 per year with a career satisfaction rate of about 80 percent. With stable job growth expected, RF design can offer a lucrative and long-term career.

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