Website Design Training

Web designers can enter the field of commercial Web design as DIY self-taught design experts, or they can augment their knowledge with coursework and certifications. The courses, certifications and degrees allow them to enter the job market with portfolios and proven knowledge of Web languages like PHP, Flash and Java. This knowledge is essential to designers as they begin their careers in a competitive field.
  1. Mastery of HTML, XHTML and XML

    • HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the basic, essential language used in Web design. HTML has gone through many stages of growth. HTML version 5 is the most current version, and although resembling SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), it is still a relevant part of Web design. Designers need a thorough knowledge of HTML to navigate page-text, to find and repair problems on site and to create new design elements.

      XHTML (Extensible HyperText Markup Language) is a newer language derived from HTML and combined with XML (Extensible Markup Language.) XML is generally used to create documents and transmit data. Designers use XML most often when creating or adding feeds like RSS, Atom, or FeedBurner. XHTML combines the openness of XML with the standard, familiar tags in HTML, giving designers more custom design options, more power and more freedom.

    Knowledge of CSS

    • CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are used to add style to Web pages written in any of the markup languages. CSS works with HTML, XHTML, XML and even SGML. CSS provides more advanced layout options and separation between the "document" parts of the page with the color, design, fonts and appearance of the Web page.

      Today, many WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) Web design applications (like Dreamweaver, Microsoft Expression and NetObjects Fusion) create the CSS while you create the Web page, but designers still need a knowledge of CSS to add their own special styles or to tweak Web pages when needed.

    Scripting Languages

    • Scripting languages make it possible for designers to create what are called "dynamic" Web pages. Dynamic Web pages are those that change in response to cookies supplied by visitors to the site. They read cookies and supply variable elements defined by information gleaned from the cookies. Languages like Ruby, PHP, ASP and ColdFusion are scripting languages.

    Adding Flash to Web Pages

    • Adobe Flash is a multimedia platform used to add animation, video and interactivity to Web pages. Although unnecessary for Web design, flash content has grown so much in popularity, it is now a must-have for many Web design customers. Designers who have mastered flash are in high demand. Quick Flash effect creation and the smooth integration of flash content are excellent portfolio items and must-haves in any degree or certification programs.


    • Javascript allows designers to add pop-up windows to Web pages, it helps create rollover effects and it allows Web pages to start applications with the click of a mouse. In effect, javascript is one of the easiest languages available to designers when they want to add dynamic effects to an otherwise static Web page.


    • Many designers make a living by having a thorough knowledge of e-commerce. They know how to help company websites add shopping carts, creating product pages and purchasing options, especially credit card transactions online. With the world market today, e-commerce experts are also sought-after designers.

    CIW Certifications

    • CIW (Certified Internet Web) certifications are the standard in Web design certifications. There are a myriad of CIW options, but a logical place to start is by using the courses and certification vehicles supplied by CIW itself.

      Many colleges offer degree programs in Web design. You can get certificates as well as associate's, bachelor's or master's degrees in a variety of information-technology fields (including Web design courses) entirely online from some of these schools, including University of Phoenix (which is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission). With the prevalence of technical jobs, and the growth of advertising on the Web, degrees and certificates in this field offer high potential for job-seekers in the years to come.

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