Fun College Games

Playing games in college is an important way to make new friends and become involved in your campus community. Many college games are arranged by student associations or the college itself, while others are put together by individual student clubs. Games are designed for college orientation to introduce students to college life, help them become accustomed to new surroundings and introduce them to their peers and professors.
  1. Competition Games

    • Colleges and universities may arrange a game day where different dorms or clubs compete against one another in tug-o-war and football, as well as games such as three-legged races. These activities are meant to increase student's pride in their dorm or group. Many enjoy wearing t-shirts or colors associated with their dorm and will proudly display the trophy if they win. If your school does not hold competitions among dorms or groups, you might want to recommend one to your student association.

    Orientation Games

    • Orientation is all about showing students the way to the cafeteria, familiarizing them with the library and handing out class schedules along with a map of the school. Gather on the campus green after everyone is acclimated and play some games to build new friendships. Orientation games require students to work together and may include such classics as Simon Says, a human knot game -- where a group of people must untangle themselves while holding hands -- and ice breaker games in which people introduce themselves and add a personal fact. For example, "My name is Ashley and I like to eat apples."

    Murder Mystery Games

    • Organizing a murder mystery game through your student club could prove a great fundraiser. Ask the college library for their permission to hold the game in a designated section of the library, where you won't disturb anyone trying to study. Work as teams and use library resources, clues and a point system to solve the mystery. Try to find out who killed the librarian or everyone's favorite professor. You can purchase a dinner party mystery game or download a kit online. Macalaster College's website describes a mystery game specifically designed to be played in a college library. To earn money from this game, charge everyone $5 to participate and offer a prize to the team that solves the mystery.

    Field Games

    • If the student association or college doesn't organize any game days for you and your fellow students, then organize a field day on your own. Gather a group of friends together from your dorm, Psych 101 class, sorority or fraternity and have everyone gather on the college green to play football or Frisbee on an autumn afternoon. If you're a member of a student group looking for fundraiser ideas, consider organizing a football or baseball game and charge everyone $5 to play. Plan the game so the winning team receives prizes.

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