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Roommate Games

Whether you are going away for boarding school or headed off to college, getting to know your new roommates can prove to be a tricky proposition. Often times roommates are new students who have never lived in such close proximity to another person. Playing some roommate games can help break the ice and allow you to get to know the people you will be living with for the next year.
  1. The Roommate Game

    • Taking a cue from the old television favorite, "The Roommate Game" follows the same rules as "The Newlywed Game." This game plays well after people have been living together for a couple of weeks. Assign somebody to be the host or moderator of the game (this might be the Resident Assistant). They will ask questions of each pair of roommates separately. Aim to ask 10 to 15 questions that are then written on separate pieces of poster board or paper. These can range from the person's hygiene habits to study habits or even hobbies. During the game, the questions will be answered by the other roommate, and points awarded for correct answers. To make the game a bit easier, you can offer multiple-choice questions. Award a prize to the winning pair of roommates.

    Video Game Tournament

    • Many students bring their video game consoles to college to play when they are not studying. Select a favorite game among the students and have a tournament. Some games allow you to have up to four players at a time. If you are playing a sports-themed game, then whoever wins the game or match will move on. If you are playing an action game, then set a time period and go by the highest score someone receives.

    Candy Poker

    • If you are living with a bunch of roommates that love to play poker, then you can set up a poker night. However, since many college students have tight finances, play the game for candy instead of money. Use small pieces of wrapped candy as your currency. If you have different types of candy (such as large bars versus small bars) you can assign a value system to those pieces of candy. (A small bar might be worth 10, while a large bar worth 100.) Play until someone has collected all the candy and then start a new game.

    Suck and Blow

    • Suck and blow can be a game that really breaks the ice among roommates. You will also want to invite other friends from surrounding rooms to play as well. Align yourselves in a circle so that you are standing in a boy-girl pattern. The first person who starts the game, places a playing card against their lips and "sucks" on it. This will cause the card to stick to their lips. They must then pass the card to the next person in line by "blowing" it against their lips. Simultaneously, the other person will "suck" the card. The game continues until someone drops the card and it hits the floor. That person is out and the circle closes. Continue playing until one person is the winner.

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