Substance Abuse in Colleges

Substance abuse can be a significant problem for college students. According to "USA Today," nearly half of all full-time college students abuse drugs or binge drink on a regular basis. Alcohol remains the most widely used substance among college students -- however, illegal drugs, including marijuana and prescription drugs, have become greater problems. College students who abuse drugs run the risk of becoming addicted, and facing many serious health and social problems.
  1. Types

    • Alcohol abuse is prevalent on college campuses and is particularly dangerous when students binge drink. Illegal drugs can also be a problem. According to "The Christian Science Monitor," the use of illegal drugs has been on the rise on college campuses over the past few years. This includes the use of marijuana, as well as harder drugs such as cocaine and heroin. The use of prescription drugs is also a problem -- students abuse drugs such as Adderall, which is used to treat Attention Deficit Hyper Activity Disorder, as well as anti-depressants such as Xanax and Oxycontin, a commonly prescribed painkiller. Prescription drugs can also be dangerous when not used as intended, or when mixed with alcohol.


    • There are many reasons college students may abuse drugs. Stress is a major factor in why students use illegal drugs and alcohol. Similarly, prescription drugs such as Oxycontin are used to get "high" and escape stress.

      Drugs such as Adderall are often used as study aids, to help increase concentration when students are studying or writing papers. Students under pressure to perform well or excel academically may feel compelled to use these drugs to improve their grades.


    • Abusing drugs can have a major negative impact on the life of a college student. Binge drinking, for instance, can lead to alcohol poisoning and alcohol-related accidents, including injury, vandalism and crime. Abusing drugs and alcohol can also lead to poor sleep, taking care of friends who are drunk or high, harm self or others, arguments and fights and assaults. They also play a role in many sexual assaults on college campuses including date rape. The abuse of prescription drugs can lead to increased rates of using illegal drugs. Substance abuse also increases the likelihood of dropping out of school entirely. Students who use illegal drugs are at risk for becoming involved in the criminal justice system.


    • Prescription drugs, such as Oxycontin are highly addictive and may lead to a serious drug addiction. Drugs such as Adderall are also highly addictive and when mixed with other drugs or alcohol can cause major medical problems such as heart attack and stroke.

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