Florida Mold Inspection Schools

Mold inspection and remediation is a relatively new sub-discipline of environmental safety and construction. On May 27, 2010, Florida became one of the first states to establish a licensing system for professionals in this field. Experienced mold inspectors and remediators may obtain a license by attending continuing education courses and passing an examination. Professionals new to the mold assessment field must obtain an Associate's degree in environmental hygiene, construction or a lab science, but may also benefit from completing a mold-inspector education course. Several mold career institutes provide courses in inspection, remediation and industrial health to Florida-based contractors.
  1. South Eastern Mold Institute

    • South Eastern Mold Institute in Panama City offers courses in mold inspection and mold remediation. All students must pay course fees before the first day of class. Topics include the effects of mold on health, techniques for locating and sampling mold, remediation techniques, reporting severity and common inquiries from clients.

      All program graduates receive a complimentary space in South Eastern Mold Institute's directory of certified inspectors and remediators for up to six months after course completion. South Eastern Mold Institute also offers a home study course that trains both in state and out-of state students for mold inspector certification. Students may not complete remediator certification via distance learning.

    The Best Training School

    • Best Training School offers mold inspection courses in several states, including Florida. The school offers a variety of training courses for mold inspector and remediator certification, including building science, biocide application, mold assessment, environmental education and professionalism.

      Best Training School offers a "bundled courses" option that gives students the opportunity to enroll in a curriculum specific to their interests at a lowered rate. The school features a live continuing education component for graduates once a week.

    Mold Inspection Consulting and Remediation Organization

    • The Mold Inspection Consulting and Remediaton Organization (MICRO) provides training classes throughout the United States. Florida classes are designed to meet state licensing requirements and educate students for an array of mold assessment careers. Classroom instruction includes hands-on experience with mold sampling, lessons on promoting mold-free construction environments and certification test practice.

      MICRO courses include certification preparation for mold inspectors, mold remediator contractors, radon inspectors and remediators and environmental safety technicians. Applicants for Florida courses must submit documentation to demonstrate at least three years of experience in environmental safety and assessment.

    Mold Institute USA

    • Mold Institute USA, based in Kingsland, Georgia offers on-site classes in Florida in addition to a distance-learning program. Courses include mold inspector certification and air quality specialization. Classroom training includes evaluation of mold samples, interpretation of lab reports, construction site contamination analysis and legal issues.

      The institute does not expect students to have knowledge of laboratory science prior to enrollment. Because this program involves only 12 hours of classroom instruction, students may apply Mold Institute USA courses toward required hours for Florida certification but may need to participate in additional training.

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