Floral Design Schools in California

Floral design schools have gradually become as modern and popular as the standard art school. Classes and programs are offered all over the country for designers and decorators looking to specialize in floral arrangements, growing, design and any other interpretation that can be thought of. In California this is no different, as several large floral design school have been formed to cater to any taste.
  1. California Flower Art Academy

    • As the name implies, this is a full-fledged academy offering full course-loads in various areas of floral-related study. Located in San Jose, the Flower Art Academy takes students from a beginner level through the professional ranks while covering a variety of cultural styles. European and Japanese influences and styles are all studied and worked with as are the more standard arrangement and design principles. Courses are available on an individual basis, allowing you to take whichever ones suit your needs or areas of interest. This also allows for a la carte pricing to each course. Students can choose, however, to follow the academy’s suggested course schedule guidelines for a more structured and all-inclusive program. Completion of required courses and FDA-mandated examinations results in full certification in the area of study.

      7280 Blue Hill Drive #7
      San Jose, CA 95129

    City College of San Francisco

    • This college is a more traditional school in that it offers a wide range of areas of study and departments on a large campus. However one of the programs offered is that of “Environmental Horticulture and Floristry.” The name comes across as highly scientific, but in reality it is one of California’s more inclusive floral design programs. The fully accredited program is also degree-offering. The course-load encompasses several years and covers not only design principles but also the more scientific areas such as chemical use and soil makeup. Additionally, students will develop and maintain relationships with local florists and growers in the area, not only expanding job opportunities upon graduation but also allowing for hands-on learning throughout the course of the program.

      50 Phelan Avenue
      San Francisco, CA 94112

    Phil Rulloda School of Floral Design

    • Located in Anaheim, this floral design school features professionally taught courses and seminars catering to all levels of floral designer and florist. Small class sizes emphasize hands-on learning and personalized teaching from an array of professionals that have first-hand experience in the field. The school is fully licensed to operate and all students will be fully certified upon completion of the required courses. Those course will cover all aspects of the floral design process and beyond, including flower shop management and other business-related aspects. Focus is mainly on floral design itself, however. Areas such as color theory, flower identification and proper handling techniques and occasion-specific arrangements are all covered in detail. Graduates and professionals can also return to take advantage of specialized seminars and special-interest classes as well.

      843 South State College #D
      Anaheim, CA 92806

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